Akka Typed: How the Pipe Pattern Prevents Anti-Patterns

5 minute read

This article is for people who are getting familiar with Akka Typed actors. You don’t have to be an expert — that would certainly be a plus — but some familiarity with actor concepts is assumed.


We assume you have Akka Typed in your project. If not, just create a new SBT project and add the following to your build.sbt:

val akkaVersion = "2.6.10"

libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor-typed" % akkaVersion


This piece assumes you know the first principles of Akka actors (check the intro of this article for an introduction). In particular for this article, we care most about actor encapsulation: the state of an actor is inaccessible from the outside, even in a multithreaded/distributed environment. We can only communicate with an actor via message exchanges.

However, in “real life”, our actor may not necessarily block on resources while handling a message. We often make our actors interact with otherwise asynchronous services. These asynchronous services can break actor encapsulation, because handling an asynchronous response happens on some thread — potentially a different thread than the one that just took control of the actor.

An Anti-Pattern

Imagine we’re designing a Twilio-like service which performs phone calls. To call somebody (a customer, a friend, etc) we have a “database” of name-number pairs that we can access via an asynchronous call. The “infrastructure”, in this simplified model, looks like this:

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import java.util.concurrent.Executors

object Infrastructure {

  private implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8))

  private val db: Map[String, Int] = Map(
    "Daniel" -> 123,
    "Alice" -> 456,
    "Bob" -> 999

  // external API
  def asyncRetrievePhoneNumberFromDb(name: String): Future[Int] =

Assume we’re designing an actor which can receive a command to initiate a phone call to a person. This actor would call the external service, and upon obtaining the phone number, it would initiate the call. A quick implementation would look like this:

import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.{Behaviors, Routers}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

trait PhoneCallProtocol
case class FindAndCallPhoneNumber(name: String) extends PhoneCallProtocol

val quickPhoneCallInitiator: Behavior[PhoneCallProtocol] =
  Behaviors.setup { (context, message) =>
    var nPhoneCalls = 0
    var nFailures = 0

    Behaviors.receiveMessage {
      case FindAndCallPhoneNumber(name) =>
        val futureNumber: Future[Int] = asyncRetrievePhoneNumberFromDb(name)
        futureNumber.onComplete {
          case Success(number) =>
            // actually perform the phone call here
            context.log.info(s"Initiating phone call to $number")
            nPhoneCalls += 1 // please cringe here
          case Failure(ex) =>
            context.log.error(s"Phone call to $name failed: $ex")
            nFailures += 1 // please cringe here

After designing the actor protocol in terms of the commands it can receive (here, only one), we are setting up the actor state with Behaviors.setup and then returning a message handler with Behaviors.receive. In this handler, upon receiving the FindAndCallPhoneNumber command, this actor would invoke the external service, then process the resulting future with .onComplete.

So what’s the problem?

Future callbacks, as well as transformations, are evaluated on some thread. This thread may or may not be the one that’s handling the message. In other words, each line with “please cringe here” is a race condition. We’ve broken the actor encapsulation.

A second drawback is that, since changing actor state happens in a Future callback, we can’t make this actor stateless.

Enter Pipes

There is another way which is completely safe, both from a type perspective and from a multithreading perspective.

The question is: why handle the Future manually at all? Why not send the result of that Future to this actor as a message, which it can later handle in a thread-safe way?

This technique is the pipe pattern. We are going to automatically redirect the contents of the Future back to this actor, as a message which it will receive later. There are two important aspects to this approach:

  • A benefit: no more encapsulation break, since handling the result of the Future will be handled as a message in a thread-safe way
  • A benefit + responsibility: because the actor is typed, we need to transform the result of the Future (which is a Try[Something]) into a message type the actor supports

In order to make pipes work, the result of our “infra” asynchronous call (either successful or failed) needs to be transformed into a message type the actor supports, so we’ll need to create two more message classes:

case class InitiatePhoneCall(number: Int) extends PhoneCallProtocol
case class LogPhoneCallFailure(reason: Throwable) extends PhoneCallProtocol

After which we can make the actor send the future result to itself later, and handle the new messages:

val phoneCallInitiatorV2: Behavior[PhoneCallProtocol] =
  Behaviors.setup { (context, message) =>
    var nPhoneCalls = 0
    var nFailures = 0

    Behaviors.receiveMessage {
      case FindAndCallPhoneNumber(name) =>
        val futureNumber: Future[Int] = asyncRetrievePhoneNumberFromDb(name)
        // pipe makes all the difference
        // transform the result of the future into a message
        context.pipeToSelf(futureNumber) {
          case Success(phoneNumber) =>
            // messages that will be sent to myself
          case Failure(ex) =>
      case InitiatePhoneCall(number) =>
        // perform the phone call
        context.log.info(s"Starting phone call to $number")
        nPhoneCalls += 1 // no more cringing
      case LogPhoneCallFailure(ex) =>
        context.log.error(s"Calling number failed: $ex")
        nFailures += 1 // no more cringing

Notice the pipeToSelf call. We pass a Future and a function which transforms a Try[Int] into a message this actor will handle later. In the message handlers, we are then free to change actor state, because handling a message is atomic. We’ve repaired the actor encapsulation.

This pattern now enables us to make the actor stateless if we wanted, because changing state happens in a message handler. So we can further refactor our actor:

def phoneCallInitiatorV3(nPhoneCalls: Int = 0, nFailures: Int = 0): Behavior[PhoneCallProtocol] =
  Behaviors.receive { (context, message) =>
    message match {
      case FindAndCallPhoneNumber(name) =>
        val futureNumber: Future[Int] = asyncRetrievePhoneNumberFromDb(name)
        // pipe makes all the difference
        // transform the result of the future into a message
        context.pipeToSelf(futureNumber) {
          case Success(phoneNumber) =>
            // messages that will be sent to myself
          case Failure(ex) =>
      case InitiatePhoneCall(number) =>
        // perform the phone call
        context.log.info(s"Starting phone call to $number")
        // change behavior
        phoneCallInitiatorV3(nPhoneCalls + 1, nFailures)
      case LogPhoneCallFailure(ex) =>
        // log failure
        context.log.error(s"Calling number failed: $ex")
        // change behavior
        phoneCallInitiatorV3(nPhoneCalls, nFailures + 1)

Notice how we turned the val behavior into a def which now keeps the “state” as method arguments. Wherever we used to change state, now we return a new behavior containing the new “state” as method arguments. Because there’s nothing mutable to set up, we don’t need Behaviors.setup and now use Behaviors.receiveMessage instead.

To end, the pipeToSelf call is completely thread-safe and fine to call even from other Future callbacks.


In this article, we explored how the pipe pattern solves a potentially serious problem when handling Futures inside an actor’s scope, how we can repair it and (as a bonus) how we can make an actor stateless even while handling results from external services. Hopefully this is useful!

