Kotlin Flows - The Ultimate Guide

41 minute read

By Riccardo Cardin

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In the article Kotlin Coroutines—A Comprehensive Introduction, we saw how to use Kotlin Coroutines to write asynchronous code in a more natural and readable way. This article will focus on another crucial concept in Kotlin Coroutines: Kotlin flows. Flows are a data structure you didn’t know, but you can’t live without them once you know them. So, without further ado, let’s dive into Kotlin Flows.

1. Setting the Stage

We’ll use Kotlin 1.9.23 and Kotlinx coroutines 1.8.0. Flows are part of the Kotlin Coroutines library. We’ll use the Gradle build tool to manage our dependencies. Here are the dependencies added in the build.gradle.kts file:

dependencies {

As usual, the complete Gradle file to run the examples is included at the end of the article.

Kotlin flows can be compared to the Typelevel FS2 library in Scala. We already discussed FS2 in the article FS2 Tutorial: More than Functional Streaming in Scala, and to help developers who are familiar with FS2 understand the concept of Kotlin flows, we’ll use the same examples as in the FS2 article.

Our domain will be an application faking the IMDb website. We’ll focus on the actors playing movies. So, first of all, let’s define the Actor type:

object Model {
    @JvmInline value class Id(val id: Int)

    @JvmInline value class FirstName(val firstName: String)

    @JvmInline value class LastName(val lastName: String)

    data class Actor(val id: Id, val firstName: FirstName, val lastName: LastName)

We want to be sure to distinguish the first name and the last name of an actor. So, we create two dedicated types for them. We also create a dedicated type for the Actor id. Then, we need to have a bit of data to play with. We’ll define the following actors:

// Zack Snyder's Justice League
val henryCavill = Actor(Id(1), FirstName("Henry"), LastName("Cavill"))
val galGadot: Actor = Actor(Id(1), FirstName("Gal"), LastName("Gadot"))
val ezraMiller: Actor = Actor(Id(2), FirstName("Ezra"), LastName("Miller"))
val rayFisher: Actor = Actor(Id(3), FirstName("Ray"), LastName("Fisher"))
val benAffleck: Actor = Actor(Id(4), FirstName("Ben"), LastName("Affleck"))
val jasonMomoa: Actor = Actor(Id(5), FirstName("Jason"), LastName("Momoa"))

// The Avengers
val robertDowneyJr: Actor = Actor(Id(6), FirstName("Robert"), LastName("Downey Jr."))
val chrisEvans: Actor = Actor(Id(7), FirstName("Chris"), LastName("Evans"))
val markRuffalo: Actor = Actor(Id(8), FirstName("Mark"), LastName("Ruffalo"))
val chrisHemsworth: Actor = Actor(Id(9), FirstName("Chris"), LastName("Hemsworth"))
val scarlettJohansson: Actor = Actor(Id(10), FirstName("Scarlett"), LastName("Johansson"))
val jeremyRenner: Actor = Actor(Id(11), FirstName("Jeremy"), LastName("Renner"))

// Spider-Man
val tomHolland: Actor = Actor(Id(12), FirstName("Tom"), LastName("Holland"))
val tobeyMaguire: Actor = Actor(Id(13), FirstName("Tobey"), LastName("Maguire"))
val andrewGarfield: Actor = Actor(Id(14), FirstName("Andrew"), LastName("Garfield"))

We have defined the actors playing in the movies “Zack Snyder’s Justice League”, “The Avengers”, and the various reboots of “Spider-Man”. Now, we can start to play with Kotlin flows.

2. Flows Basics

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What is a flow in Kotlin? A Flow<T> is a reactive data structure that emits a sequence of type T values. Flows are part of the Kotlin Coroutines library. In their simplest form, flows can be viewed as a collection, a sequence, or an iterable of values. We can create a flow from a finite list of values using the flowOf function:

val zackSnyderJusticeLeague: Flow<Actor> =

We can even create a flow from a list, a set, and so on using the asFlow extension function:

val avengers: Flow<Actor> =

If we have a function that returns a value, we can create a flow from it using the asFlow function as well:

val theMostRecentSpiderManFun: () -> Actor = { tomHolland }

val theMostRecentSpiderMan: Flow<Actor> = theMostRecentSpiderManFun.asFlow()

Under the hood, all the above Flow factories are defined in terms of the so-called flow builder, aka the flow function. The flow function is the most general way to create a flow. It takes a lambda that can emit values using the emit function. Let’s make an example to clarify this concept. We want to create a flow that emits the actors in the “Spider-Man” movies as main characters. We can define the following flow:

val spiderMen: Flow<Actor> = flow {

Maybe you’re wondering where the emit function comes from. The lambda passed as an input parameter to the flow function defines an instance of a functional interface called FlowCollector as its receiver. The FlowCollector interface has a single method called emit that allows it to emit a value. We’ll see more about the Flow internals in one of the appendix sections. For now, it’s enough to know that the emit function emits a value within the flow.

It’s easy to define the previous factory methods in terms of the flow function. For example, the flowOf function is defined as follows:

// Kotlin Coroutines Library
fun <T> flowOf(vararg values: T): Flow<T> = flow {
    for (value in values) {

Since it’s a reactive data structure, the values in a flow are only computed once requested. A Flow<T> is just a definition of calculating the values, not the values themselves, which is a fundamental difference with collections, sequences, and iterables. We can define an infinite Flow quite easily:

val infiniteJLFlowActors: Flow<Actor> = flow {
  while (true) {

The flow infiniteJLFlowActors doesn’t emit values during creation.

Consuming a Flow is relatively straightforward. The Flow type is defined by one and only one terminal operation: the collect function. The collect function is used to consume the values emitted by the flow. It takes a lambda, which is called for each value the flow emits. Say we want to print the actors playing in “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” movie. We’ll use the following code:

suspend fun main() {
    val zackSnyderJusticeLeague: Flow<Actor> =
    zackSnyderJusticeLeague.collect { println(it) }

As most of you would have noticed, we called the collect function from the suspend main function. The collect method is a suspending function since it has to wait and suspend for consuming the emitted values without blocking a thread. Here is the definition of the Flow type:

// Kotlin Coroutines Library
public interface Flow<out T> {
    public suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector<T>)

The collect function is the most notable of the possible terminal operations. It is so-called because it consumes the values in the Flow.

3. Flows Lifecycle

The Kotlin Coroutines library provides functions to control a flow’s lifecycle. We can add a hook function for flow creation, for each emitted element, and for the completion of the flow.

The onStart function lets us add operations to be executed when the flow is started. We pass a lambda to the onStart function. A good question is: When does a flow start to emit values? A flow is started when a terminal operation is called on it. So far, we’ve seen the collect function as a terminal operation. The lambda of the onStart function is executed immediately after the terminal operation. It doesn’t wait for the first element to be emitted. Let’s make an example. We want to print a message when the flow is started. Also, we want to simulate some latency in the emission of the values.

val spiderMenWithLatency: Flow<Actor> = flow {
    .onStart { println("Starting Spider-Men flow") }
    .collect { println(it) }

What do we expect from the program? We expect the program to print the message “Starting Spider-Men flow” immediately and then, after 1 second, the actors playing. Indeed, the output of the program is what we expect:

Starting Spider-Men flow
(1 sec.)
Actor(id=Id(id=13), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Tobey), lastName=LastName(lastName=Maguire))
Actor(id=Id(id=14), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Andrew), lastName=LastName(lastName=Garfield))
Actor(id=Id(id=12), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Tom), lastName=LastName(lastName=Holland))

Let’s see the definition of the onStart function:

// Kotlin Coroutines Library
public fun <T> Flow<T>.onStart(
    action: suspend FlowCollector<T>.() -> Unit
): Flow<T>

First, the onStart function is an extension function defined on a Flow<T> receiver. However, the exciting thing is that the action lambda has a FlowCollector<T> as the receiver, meaning we can emit values inside it. As an example, we can add the emission of Paul Robert Soles, the actor who played the voice of Spider-Man in the 1967 animated series, in the onStart function:

    .onStart { emit(Actor(Id(15), FirstName("Paul"), LastName("Soles"))) }
    .collect { println(it) }

The output of the program will add the actor Paul Robert Soles to the list of the actors playing:

Actor(id=Id(id=15), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Paul), lastName=LastName(lastName=Soles))
Actor(id=Id(id=13), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Tobey), lastName=LastName(lastName=Maguire))
Actor(id=Id(id=14), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Andrew), lastName=LastName(lastName=Garfield))
Actor(id=Id(id=12), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Tom), lastName=LastName(lastName=Holland))

On the other hand, the onEach function is used to apply a lambda to each value emitted by the flow. The function has the same features as the onStart function, which means it accepts a lambda with a FlowCollector<T> as receiver as input. As we previously saw, the FlowCollector<T> lets us emit new values inside the lambda.

Let’s add a delay of one second between the emissions of each actor playing the Spider-Man role. We can use the onEach function to add the delay:

    .onEach { delay(1000) }
    .collect { println(it) }

We can even use the onEach function as a surrogate of the collect function. We can pass to the lambda we would have passed to the collect function to the onEach function. At this point, calling collect will trigger the effective execution of the flow. For example, we can rewrite the previous example as follows:

spiderMen.onEach {

The above approach is quite common in the Kotlin community since it produces code closer to the use of other collections in Kotlin.

Finally, we can add some behavior at the end of the flow after all its values have been emitted. We can use the onCompletion function to add a lambda to be executed when the flow is completed. Again, the lambda passed to the function has a FlowCollector<T> as the receiver so that we can emit additional value at the end of the flow execution. For example, we can use the onCompletion function to print a message when the flow is completed:

    .onEach {
    .onCompletion { println("End of the Spider Men flow") }

Nothing new under the sun. The above code will produce the following output when executed:

Actor(id=Id(id=13), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Tobey), lastName=LastName(lastName=Maguire))
Actor(id=Id(id=14), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Andrew), lastName=LastName(lastName=Garfield))
Actor(id=Id(id=12), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Tom), lastName=LastName(lastName=Holland))
End of the Spider Men flow

What if an exception is thrown during the flow’s execution? In the next section, let’s see what the library does for us.

4. Flows Error Handling

If something can go wrong, it will. Flow execution is no exception. The Kotlin Coroutines library provides functions to handle errors during flow execution.

The first ring bell that something went wrong during the execution of a flow is that it didn’t emit any value. It’s uncommon to build intentional flows that don’t emit anything. The Kotlin Coroutines library provides a function to handle the case of an empty flow: the onEmpty function. The function is similar to the functions we saw in the previous section that handle a flow lifecycle. It has a lambda with a FlowCollector<T> as receiver as input, which makes the onEmpty function an excellent candidate to emit some default value for an empty flow:

val actorsEmptyFlow =
    flow<Actor> { delay(1000) }
        .onEmpty {
            println("The flow is empty, adding some actors")
        .collect { println(it) }

The output of the program doesn’t surprise us:

(1 sec.)
The flow is empty, adding some actors
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Actor(id=Id(id=4), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Affleck))

Creating an empty flow using a dedicated builder called emptyFlow is possible. The emptyFlow function returns a flow that emits no value. We can rewrite the above example using the emptyFlow function as follows:

val actorsEmptyFlow_v2 =
        .onStart { delay(1000) }
        .onEmpty {
            println("The flow is empty, adding some actors")
        .collect { println(it) }

Another typical case is when exceptions arise during the execution of a flow. First, let’s see what happens if we don’t use any recovery mechanism. Our example will print the actors playing Spider-Man, but during the emission of the actors, we’ll throw an exception:

val spiderMenActorsFlowWithException =
    flow {
        throw RuntimeException("An exception occurred")
    .onStart { println("The Spider Men flow is starting") }
    .onCompletion { println("The Spider Men flow is completed") }
    .collect { println(it) }

If we execute the program, we’ll see the following output:

The Spider Men flow is starting
Actor(id=Id(id=13), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Tobey), lastName=LastName(lastName=Maguire))
Actor(id=Id(id=14), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Andrew), lastName=LastName(lastName=Garfield))
The Spider Men flow is completed
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: An exception occurred

What can we see from the above output? First, an exception in the flow execution breaks it and avoids the emission of the values after the exception. The coroutine executing the suspending lambda function passed to the collect function is canceled by the exception (see following sections for further details) that will bubble up to the context calling the collect function. Second, the onCompletion function is called even if an exception is thrown during the execution of the flow. So, the onCompletion function is called when the flow is completed, whether an exception is thrown or not. We can think about it as a finally block.

Can we catch the exception in some way and recover from it? Yep, we can. The library provides a catch method that we can chain to the flow to handle exceptions. The catch function is defined as follows:

// Kotlin Coroutines Library
public fun <T> Flow<T>.catch(action: suspend FlowCollector<T>.(cause: Throwable) -> Unit): Flow<T>

It takes a lambda that is called when an exception is thrown during the execution of the flow. The lambda has a Throwable as input, so we can inspect the exception and decide what to do. We can also emit a value since the lambda has the FlowCollector<T> as the receiver.

We can now change the previous example to catch the exception and emit a default value:

val spiderMenActorsFlowWithException_v3 =
        flow {
            throw RuntimeException("An exception occurred")
        .catch { ex -> emit(tomHolland) }
        .onStart { println("The Spider Men flow is starting") }
        .onCompletion { println("The Spider Men flow is completed") }
        .collect { println(it) }

The catch function will intercept the RuntimeException and emit the tomHolland actor value. The output of the program will be:

The Spider Men flow is starting
Actor(id=Id(id=13), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Tobey), lastName=LastName(lastName=Maguire))
Actor(id=Id(id=14), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Andrew), lastName=LastName(lastName=Garfield))
Actor(id=Id(id=12), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Tom), lastName=LastName(lastName=Holland))
The Spider Men flow is completed

So far, so good. Another essential feature of the catch function is that it catches all the exceptions thrown during the executions of the transformations chained to the flow before it. Let’s make an example. The following code will throw an exception that will be easily handled by the catch function:

val spiderMenNames =
    flow {
    .map {
        if (it.firstName == FirstName("Tom")) {
            throw RuntimeException("Ooops")
        } else {
            "${it.firstName.firstName} ${it.lastName.lastName}"
    }.catch { ex -> emit("Tom Holland") }
    .map { it.uppercase(Locale.getDefault()) }
    .collect { println(it) }

The execution of the above flow will produce the expected output:


What will happen if we move the throwing of the exception after the catch function? Let’s see:

val spiderMenNames =
    flow {
    .map { "${it.firstName.firstName} ${it.lastName.lastName}" }
    .catch { ex -> emit("Tom Holland") }
    .map {
        if (it == "Tom Holland") {
            throw RuntimeException("Oooops")
        } else {
    .collect { println(it) }

Nothing will catch the exception thrown by the second map function, the flow will be canceled, and the exception will bubble up. The output of the program is the following:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Oooops

So, we can think about the catch function as a catch block that handles all the exceptions thrown before it in the chain. For this reason, the catch function can’t catch the exceptions thrown by the collect function since it’s the terminal operation of the flow:

val spiderMenActorsFlowWithException =
    flow {
    .catch { ex -> println("I caught an exception!") }
    .onStart { println("The Spider Men flow is starting") }
    .onCompletion { println("The Spider Men flow is completed") }
    .collect {
        if (true) throw RuntimeException("Oooops")

The above code will produce the following output, which means the flow was eagerly terminated by the exception thrown by the collect function and not intercepted by the catch function:

The Spider Men flow is starting
The Spider Men flow is completed
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Oooops

The only way we can prevent this case is to move the collect logic into a dedicated onEach function and put a catch in the chain after the onEach function. We can rewrite the above example as follows:

val spiderMenActorsFlowWithException =
    flow {
    .onEach {
        if (true) throw RuntimeException("Oooops")
    .catch { ex -> println("I caught an exception!") }
    .onStart { println("The Spider Men flow is starting") }
    .onCompletion { println("The Spider Men flow is completed") }

As we can see from the following output produced by the execution of the above example, the exception is caught by the catch function:

The Spider Men flow is starting
I caught an exception!
The Spider Men flow is completed

We saw how to handle an exception thrown during the lifecycle of a flow. However, in all the above examples, caught or not, the thrown exception ended the flow. What if we want to embrace that an operation can fail now and then, and we want to retry it? We can think of the call to an external service that requires communication over the net. The network connection can be temporarily broken, and the service may be unavailable due to high traffic. It’s expected that making a new retry of the operation can solve the problem. The Kotlin Coroutines library provides a function to retry the execution of a flow in case of an exception: the retry function.

The retry function is defined as follows:

// Kotlin Coroutines Library
public fun <T> Flow<T>.retry(
    retries: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE,
    predicate: suspend (cause: Throwable) -> Boolean = { true }
): Flow<T>

The first parameter is the number of retries to make. The second parameter is a lambda that takes a Throwable as input and returns a Boolean. The lambda decides whether the operation should be retried. The default value of the predicate parameter is a lambda that always returns true, so the operation is always retried.

Let’s make a real example. We can create a repository interface to mimic the I/O operations over the network:

interface ActorRepository {
    suspend fun findJLAActors(): Flow<Actor>

We can implement the repository in a quite naive way for our purposes:

val actorRepository: ActorRepository =
    object : ActorRepository {
        var retries = 0
        override suspend fun findJLAActors(): Flow<Actor> = flow {
            if (retries == 0) {
                throw RuntimeException("Oooops")

Executing the findJLAActors function will throw an exception the first time it’s called. The second time, it will emit all the actors playing in the “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” movie. The above example mimics a temporary network glitch. We can now use the retry function to retry the execution of the findJLAActors function and print all the actors playing in the movie:

    .collect { println(it) }

We’ll retry two times to call the findJLAActors function. So, we expect the first attempt to print the first two actors and the second to print the entire list. The output of the program is what we expect:

Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Gal), lastName=LastName(lastName=Gadot))
Actor(id=Id(id=2), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ezra), lastName=LastName(lastName=Miller))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Gal), lastName=LastName(lastName=Gadot))
Actor(id=Id(id=2), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ezra), lastName=LastName(lastName=Miller))
Actor(id=Id(id=3), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Fisher))
Actor(id=Id(id=4), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Affleck))
Actor(id=Id(id=5), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Jason), lastName=LastName(lastName=Momoa))

However, in such cases, waiting between the retries to resolve the glitch is familiar and good practice. We can add a delay in the lambda passed to the retry function:

    .retry(2) { ex ->
        println("An exception occurred: '${ex.message}', retrying...")
    .collect { println(it) }

In this case, we also add a log. Please don’t forget to return the boolean value at the end of the lambda. Running the above code will make the fact an exception occurred more evident:

Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Gal), lastName=LastName(lastName=Gadot))
Actor(id=Id(id=2), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ezra), lastName=LastName(lastName=Miller))
An exception occurred: 'Oooops', retrying...
(1 sec.)
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Gal), lastName=LastName(lastName=Gadot))
Actor(id=Id(id=2), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ezra), lastName=LastName(lastName=Miller))
Actor(id=Id(id=3), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Fisher))
Actor(id=Id(id=4), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Affleck))
Actor(id=Id(id=5), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Jason), lastName=LastName(lastName=Momoa))

Having the cause of the exception in input, we can always decide whether to retry based on the exception type.

In a real-world scenario, we will use a more sophisticated back-off policy and avoid retrying multiple times using the same interval. We need the current attempt number to implement such policies. The retry function is a more accessible version of the more general retryWhen function that accepts a lambda with two parameters as input: the exception and the attempt number. The retryWhen function is defined as follows:

// Kotlin Coroutines Library
public fun <T> Flow<T>.retryWhen(
    predicate: suspend FlowCollector<T>.(cause: Throwable, attempt: Long) -> Boolean): Flow<T> =

We can rewrite the previous example using the retryWhen function as follows, retrying with an increasing delay between the attempts:

    .retryWhen { cause, attempt ->
        println("An exception occurred: '${cause.message}', retry number $attempt...")
        delay(attempt * 1000)
    .collect { println(it) }

That’s all for error handling in flow execution.

5. Working with Flows

Working with flows doesn’t reduce creation and consumption. We can transform, filter, combine, and access all the steps of their life cycle.

Flows are very similar to collections regarding the API available for transforming them. We can map, filter, and reduce them. Let’s start with changing the values emitted by a flow. We can use the map function. For example, we can get out of an Actor who played in the Justice League movie only its last name:

val lastNameOfJLActors: Flow<LastName> = zackSnyderJusticeLeague.map { it.lastName }

Easy peasy. We can now filter this new flow, retaining only the actors whose last names count five characters:

val lastNameOfJLActors5CharsLong: Flow<LastName> =
    lastNameOfJLActors.filter { it.lastName.length == 5 }

We should also map and filter in the same step. Flows provide the mapNotNull function that applies a transformation that can create null values and then filters out those null values:

val lastNameOfJLActors5CharsLong_v2: Flow<LastName> =
    zackSnyderJusticeLeague.mapNotNull {
      if (it.lastName.lastName.length == 5) {
      } else {

The above functions, map and filter, and many others, are expressed internally as a combination of the flow builder function and the collect terminal operation. For example, we can define the map function as follows:

fun <T, R> Flow<T>.map(transform: suspend (value: T) -> R): Flow<R> =
    flow {
        this@map.collect { value ->

The implementation we found in the library has some differences, but the concept is the same. We’re creating a new flow, collecting the values of the original flow, and emitting the transformation to them. The above implementation is quite elegant. The same is true for the filter function:

fun <T> Flow<T>.filter(predicate: suspend (value: T) -> Boolean): Flow<T> =
    flow {
        this@filter.collect { value ->
            if (predicate(value)) {


Usually, the third operation we find on collections/sequences after the map and the filter functions is the fold function. As you might guess, the fold function is used to reduce the values of a flow to a single value. It’s a final operation, like the collect function, which suspends the current coroutine until the flow ends to emit values. It requires an initial value used to accumulate the final result. We can use the fold function to count the actors playing in the “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” movie. The initial value in our example is the number 0, the unit value for the sum operation on integers:

val numberOfJlaActors: Int =
      zackSnyderJusticeLeague.fold(0) { currentNumOfActors, actor -> currentNumOfActors + 1 }

Also, the implementation of the fold function is very straightforward. It simply accumulates the results of the accumulation into a local variable using the value emitted by the flow through the collect function:

// Kotlin Coroutines Library
public suspend inline fun <T, R> Flow<T>.fold(
    initial: R,
    crossinline operation: suspend (acc: R, value: T) -> R
): R {
    var accumulator = initial
    collect { value ->
        accumulator = operation(accumulator, value)
    return accumulator

A dedicated function called count counts the number of elements of a finite flow. It’s a terminal operation that returns the number of elements the flow emits. Then, the previous example can be rewritten as follows:

val numberOfJlaActors_v2: Int = zackSnyderJusticeLeague.count()

As you might guess, the fold and the count functions don’t work well with infinite flows. The library gives us a dedicated function for infinite flows, the scan function. It works like a fold, accumulating the emitted values. However, it emits the result of the partial accumulation of each step. Unlike the fold function, the scan function is not a terminal operation.

For completeness, let’s emit a value representing the number of actors emitted by the infiniteJLFlowActors flow at every value emission. We can add a delay of 1 second to make the code more spicy:

    .onEach { delay(1000) }
    .scan(0) { currentNumOfActors, actor -> currentNumOfActors + 1 }
    .collect { println(it) }

The output of the program is:

(1 sec.)
(1 sec.)
(1 sec.)
(1 sec.)
(1 sec.)
(1 sec.)

As for the previous functions we saw, the implementation of scan is quite elegant and straightforward:

// Kotlin Coroutines Library
public fun <T, R> Flow<T>.scan(initial: R, operation: suspend (accumulator: R, value: T) -> R): Flow<R> = flow {
    var accumulator: R = initial
    collect { value ->
        accumulator = operation(accumulator, value)

When dealing with infinite flows, we can always get the flow’s first n elements and then stop the collection. The take function is used to do that. For example, we can get the first three actors playing in the “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” movie:


The take function is a transformation, which returns a new flow like map or filter. If the original flow is infinite, the new flow will be finite.

The drop function makes the opposite operation. It skips the flow’s first n elements and then emits the remaining ones. For example, we can skip the first three actors playing in “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” movie:


Dropping from the head of a flow the first n elements does not reduce the cardinality of an infinite flow. The new flow will be infinite as well.

6. Flows and Coroutines

It’s essential to notice that the collect function is inherently synchronous despite being a suspending function. No new coroutine is started under the hood. Let’s try to put a print statement immediately after the collect function of the previous flow:

suspend fun main() {
    val zackSnyderJusticeLeague: Flow<Actor> =
    println("Before Zack Snyder's Justice League")
    zackSnyderJusticeLeague.collect { println(it) }
    println("After Zack Snyder's Justice League")

We expect the program to print all the actors emitted by the flow and then the string “After Zack Snyder’s Justice League”. Running the program produces the expected output:

Before Zack Snyder's Justice League
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Gal), lastName=LastName(lastName=Gadot))
Actor(id=Id(id=2), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ezra), lastName=LastName(lastName=Miller))
Actor(id=Id(id=3), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Fisher))
Actor(id=Id(id=4), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Affleck))
Actor(id=Id(id=5), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Jason), lastName=LastName(lastName=Momoa))
After Zack Snyder's Justice League

To kick in asynchronous behavior, we must use the launch function from the CoroutineScope interface. Let’s add a delay between the emission of the actors and the print statement:

coroutineScope {
    val delayedJusticeLeague: Flow<Actor> =
        flow {
    println("Before Zack Snyder's Justice League")
    launch { delayedJusticeLeague.collect { println(it) } }
    println("After Zack Snyder's Justice League")

Now, the flow is collected inside a dedicated coroutine spawned by the launch coroutine builder (if you want to deep dive into the coroutines world, please refer to the article Kotlin Coroutines - A Comprehensive Introduction). The program will not wait for the whole collection of the flow to complete before printing the string “After Zack Snyder’s Justice League”. The output of the program is:

Before Zack Snyder's Justice League
After Zack Snyder's Justice League
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Gal), lastName=LastName(lastName=Gadot))
Actor(id=Id(id=2), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ezra), lastName=LastName(lastName=Miller))
Actor(id=Id(id=3), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Fisher))
Actor(id=Id(id=4), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Affleck))
Actor(id=Id(id=5), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Jason), lastName=LastName(lastName=Momoa))

Executing the collection of the values of a flow in a separate coroutine is such a typical pattern that the Kotlin Coroutines library provides a dedicated function to do that: the launchIn function:

coroutineScope {
    val delayedJusticeLeague: Flow<Actor> =
        flow {
    println("Before Zack Snyder's Justice League")
    delayedJusticeLeague.onEach { println(it) }.launchIn(this)
    println("After Zack Snyder's Justice League")

The above code will produce the same output as the previous one. The launchIn implementation is straightforward:

// Kotlin Coroutines Library
public fun <T> Flow<T>.launchIn(scope: CoroutineScope): Job = scope.launch {

Every suspending function must have a coroutine context, and suspending lambdas used as input to the flows function is no exception. A flow uses internally the context of the coroutine that calls the collect function. Let’s make an example and rewrite the previous code using the withContext function to change the context:

withContext(CoroutineName("Main")) {
    coroutineScope {
        val delayedJusticeLeague: Flow<Actor> =
            flow {
                println("${currentCoroutineContext()[CoroutineName]?.name} - In the flow")
            "${currentCoroutineContext()[CoroutineName]?.name} - Before Zack Snyder's Justice Leag
        withContext(CoroutineName("Zack Snyder's Justice League")) {
            delayedJusticeLeague.collect { println(it) }
            "${currentCoroutineContext()[CoroutineName]?.name} - After Zack Snyder's Justice Leagu

As we can see, we set the name of the most external coroutine context to “Main,” and we surround the call to the collect function with a new context called “Zack Snyder’s Justice League”. The output of the program is:

Main - Before Zack Snyder's Justice League
Zack Snyder's Justice League - In the flow
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Gal), lastName=LastName(lastName=Gadot))
Actor(id=Id(id=2), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ezra), lastName=LastName(lastName=Miller))
Actor(id=Id(id=3), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Fisher))
Actor(id=Id(id=4), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Affleck))
Actor(id=Id(id=5), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Jason), lastName=LastName(lastName=Momoa))
Main - After Zack Snyder's Justice League

We effectively changed the context of the coroutine that emits the values of the flow. Whereas, if we don’t change the context, the context of the coroutine that emits the values of the flow is the same as the context of the main coroutine:

withContext(CoroutineName("Main")) {
    coroutineScope {
        val delayedJusticeLeague: Flow<Actor> =
            flow {
                println("${currentCoroutineContext()[CoroutineName]?.name} - In the flow")
            "${currentCoroutineContext()[CoroutineName]?.name} - Before Zack Snyder's Justice League",
        delayedJusticeLeague.collect { println(it) }
            "${currentCoroutineContext()[CoroutineName]?.name} - After Zack Snyder's Justice League",

Changing the context of the coroutine that executes the flow is so common that the Kotlin Coroutines library provides a dedicated function: the flowOn function. The flowOn function changes the coroutine context that emits the flow values. Let’s rewrite our example using the flowOn function:

withContext(CoroutineName("Main")) {
    coroutineScope {
        val delayedJusticeLeague: Flow<Actor> =
            flow {
                println("${currentCoroutineContext()[CoroutineName]?.name} - In the flow")
            "${currentCoroutineContext()[CoroutineName]?.name} - Before Zack Snyder's Justice League",
        delayedJusticeLeague.flowOn(CoroutineName("Zack Snyder's Justice League")).collect {
            "${currentCoroutineContext()[CoroutineName]?.name} - After Zack Snyder's Justice League",

We can also use the flowOn function to change the dispatcher to execute the flow. If it performs I/O operations, such as calling an external API or writing/reading to/from a database, we can change the dispatcher to Dispatchers.IO. We can create a repository interface to mimic the I/O operations:

interface ActorRepository {
    suspend fun findJLAActors(): Flow<Actor>

Then, we can execute the retrieval of the actors playing in “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” movie using the Dispatchers.IO dispatcher through the flowOn function:

val actorRepository: ActorRepository =
    object : ActorRepository {
        override suspend fun findJLAActors(): Flow<Actor> =
actorRepository.findJLAActors().flowOn(Dispatchers.IO).collect { actor -> println(actor) }

7. Racing Flows

In the previous sections, we focused on working with one flow. However, flows are a very nice data structure that works with concurrency. The first operation we’ll analyze is the merge function. It lets us run two flows concurrently, collecting the results in a single flow as they are produced. Neither of the two streams waits for the other to emit a value. For example, let’s merge the JLA flow and the Avenger flow:

val zackSnyderJusticeLeague: Flow<Actor> =
    ).onEach { delay(400) }

val avengers: Flow<Actor> =
    ).onEach { delay(200) }

merge(zackSnyderJusticeLeague, avengers).collect{ println(it) }

The execution of the program will produce the following output:

Actor(id=Id(id=6), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Robert), lastName=LastName(lastName=Downey Jr.))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Actor(id=Id(id=7), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Chris), lastName=LastName(lastName=Evans))
Actor(id=Id(id=8), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Mark), lastName=LastName(lastName=Ruffalo))
Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Gal), lastName=LastName(lastName=Gadot))
Actor(id=Id(id=9), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Chris), lastName=LastName(lastName=Hemsworth))
Actor(id=Id(id=10), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Scarlett), lastName=LastName(lastName=Johansson))
Actor(id=Id(id=2), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ezra), lastName=LastName(lastName=Miller))
Actor(id=Id(id=11), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Jeremy), lastName=LastName(lastName=Renner))
Actor(id=Id(id=3), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Fisher))
Actor(id=Id(id=4), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Affleck))
Actor(id=Id(id=5), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Jason), lastName=LastName(lastName=Momoa))

As we may expect, the flow contains an actor from the JLA almost every two actors from the Avengers. Once the Avengers actors are finished, the JLA actors fulfill the rest of the flow. The execution halts when both flows have finished emitting all their values.

The merge function is the first transformation we see not defined as an extension function of the Flow type. It’s a top-level function in the Kotlinx.coroutines.flow package. The merge function is defined as follows:

public fun <T> merge(vararg flows: Flow<T>): Flow<T>

As we can see, it receives an array of flows as input. So, we can merge and race the execution of more than two flows.

Sometimes, we must work with pairs of emitted values from both flows. Imagine a scenario where we want to retrieve the biography and filmography of an actor. The two pieces of information are retrieved from different services, and we want to get them concurrently and proceed with the execution only when both are available. The zip function is used to do that.

First, we define a flow retrieving the biography of Henry Cavill:

val henryCavillBio =
    flow {
        val biography =
      Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill was born on the Bailiwick of Jersey, a British Crown dependency
      in the Channel Islands. His mother, Marianne (Dalgliesh), a housewife, was also born on Jersey,
      and is of Irish, Scottish and English ancestry...

We delay the emission of the biography to simulate the time needed to retrieve it. Then, we define a flow retrieving the filmography of Henry Cavill:

val henryCavillMovies =
    flow {
        val movies = listOf("Man of Steel", "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", "Justice League")

Again, we used a delay to simulate the time needed to retrieve the filmography. Now, we can zip the two flows to get the biography and the filmography of Henry Cavill and print out the result:

    .zip(henryCavillMovies) { bio, movies -> bio to movies }
    .collect { (bio, movies) ->
            Henry Cavill

              ${movies.joinToString("\n                  ")}

The output of the program is:

                Henry Cavill
                  Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill was born on the Bailiwick of Jersey, a British Crown dependency
in the Channel Islands. His mother, Marianne (Dalgliesh), a housewife, was also born on Jersey,
and is of Irish, Scottish and English ancestry...

                  Man of Steel
                  Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
                  Justice League

Process finished with exit code 0

The program printed the biography and the filmography of Henry Cavill after more or less 2 seconds since it had to wait for both flows to emit their values. Be aware that the zip function requires pairs of values. So, the resulting flow stops when the shortest of the two flows stops emitting values. If we zip a flow with the empty flow, the resulting flow will also be empty. The following zipped flow doesn’t emit any value:

    .zip(emptyFlow<List<String>>()) { bio, movies -> bio to movies }
    .collect { (bio, movies) ->
            Henry Cavill


In the section dedicated to flow transformation, we didn’t introduce any flavor of the flatMap function. It’s typical for data structures representing a collection of values to offer such a function. In the case of flows, the emission of values can be delayed or even stopped. So, it’s not straightforward to come up with a proper implementation of the flatMap function. We need to understand which flow has precedence over the other.

The Kotlin Coroutine library provides three different implementations of the flatMap function: flatMapConcat, flatMapMerge, and flatMapLatest. Since the first two functions are the most used, we’ll focus on them.

The flatMapConcat function processes the emitted values of the first flow and, for each, the associated emitted values of the second flow. In other words, it waits for the second flow to emit all its values before processing the next value of the first flow. It’s defined as follows in the coroutine library:

public fun <T, R> Flow<T>.flatMapConcat(transform: suspend (value: T) -> Flow<R>): Flow<R>

The definition is relatively standard for a function belonging to the family of flatMap functions.

Let’s make an example now. We’ll extend the flow of actors by including the biographies of the actors who played in the Justice League movie. First of all, we add a repository returning biographies:

interface BiographyRepository {
    suspend fun findBio(actor: Actor): Flow<String>

val biographyRepository: BiographyRepository =
    object : BiographyRepository {
        val biosByActor =
                henryCavill to
                            "Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill was born on the Bailiwick of Jersey, a British Crown",
                            "Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League",
                benAffleck to
                            "Benjamin Géza Affleck-Boldt was born on August 15, 1972 in Berkeley, California.",
                            "Argo, The Town, Good Will Hunting, Justice League",
        override suspend fun findBio(actor: Actor): Flow<String> =
            biosByActor[actor]?.asFlow() ?: emptyFlow()

For the sake of simplicity, we added only the biographies of Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck. As we can see, the findBio function returns an actor’s biography as a flow: first, their date of birth, a brief introduction, and finally, a small list of movies they played in.

Now, we want to create a flow emitting only the actors henryCavill and benAffleck, and for each of them retrieving the biography. The flatMapConcat function is all that we need:

    .filter { it == benAffleck || it == henryCavill }
    .onEach { actor -> println(actor)}
    .flatMapConcat { actor -> biographyRepository.findBio(actor)}

As we said, the flatMapConcat function will take the first argument of the first flow, in this case, henryCavill, and will wait for the second flow to emit all its values before processing the next value of the first flow. The output of the program is:

Actor(id=Id(id=1), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Henry), lastName=LastName(lastName=Cavill))
Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill was born on the Bailiwick of Jersey, a British Crown
Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League
Actor(id=Id(id=4), firstName=FirstName(firstName=Ben), lastName=LastName(lastName=Affleck))
Benjamin Géza Affleck-Boldt was born on August 15, 1972 in Berkeley, California.
Argo, The Town, Good Will Hunting, Justice League

The flatMapMerge function is the second implementation of the flatMap function. It processes the emitted values of the first flow and, for each, the associated emitted values of the second flow. The values of the inner flow are processed concurrently. The flatMapMerge function is defined as follows in the coroutine library:

public fun <T, R> Flow<T>.flatMapMerge(
    concurrency: Int = DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY,
    transform: suspend (value: T) -> Flow<R>
): Flow<R>

Unlike the flatMapConcat definition, the flatMapMerge adds an input parameter: the number of concurrent operations we want to execute. The default value of concurrency is 16. It can be changed using the kotlinx.coroutines.flow.defaultConcurrency JVM property. Despite the concurrency degree, the rest of the definition is usual for a flatMap function.

Now, we need an example to play with. This time, we want to simulate a repository that, given an actor, returns the small list of movies they played in. We can define the repository as follows:

interface MovieRepository {
    suspend fun findMovies(actor: Actor): Flow<String>

val movieRepository =
    object : MovieRepository {
        val filmsByActor: Map<Actor, List<String>> =
                henryCavill to
                    listOf("Man of Steel", "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice", "Justice League"),
                benAffleck to listOf("Argo", "The Town", "Good Will Hunting", "Justice League"),
                galGadot to listOf("Fast & Furious", "Justice League", "Wonder Woman 1984"),
        override suspend fun findMovies(actor: Actor): Flow<String> =
            filmsByActor[actor]?.asFlow() ?: emptyFlow()

We can create a flow emitting only the actors henryCavill, benAffleck, and galGadot for each of them, retrieving the list of movies they played in. We can use the flatMapMerge function to do that:

    .filter { it == benAffleck || it == henryCavill || it == galGadot }
    .flatMapMerge { actor ->
        movieRepository.findMovies(actor).onEach { delay(1000) }
    .collect { println(it) }

We added some delay between two calls to the findMovies to make the program more spicy. We run the program without setting the degree of concurrency, and one of the possible outputs is the following:

Fast & Furious
Man of Steel
The Town
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Justice League
Wonder Woman 1984
Justice League
Good Will Hunting
Justice League

As we can see, the list of movies is randomly created by merging the original lists. For example, the “Fast & Furious” movie belongs to Gal Gadot, which was emitted as the second value by the first flow. Then, we have a film by Ben Affleck and the first movie by Henry Cavill. The program continues in this way until all the movies are emitted.

We can set the level of concurrency to 1, and we can see that the output will be linearized, printing all the films of an actor before moving to the next one:

Man of Steel
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Justice League
Fast & Furious
Justice League
Wonder Woman 1984
The Town
Good Will Hunting
Justice League

We’ve got the same result as the flatMapConcat function.

The flatMapMerge function is handy when dealing with I/O operations on a collection of information. We can set the concurrency level to the number of available processors to maximize the program’s performance or even to fine-tune the maximum level of resources we want to use. Another approach is using the async coroutine builder for each value in the collection:

coroutineScope {
    listOf(henryCavill, galGadot, benAffleck).map {
        async { movieRepository.findMovies(it).onEach { delay(1000) } }
    }.flatMap {

Here, we’re working with a slightly modified version of the findMovies function, which returns a list of movies rather than a flow. However, using the async builder makes it harder to control the concurrency level. Plus, we can emit each movie as soon as it’s available, rather than waiting for an actor’s film to be available.

8. Flows Are Cold Data Sources

As you might guess, flows represent a cold data source, which means that values are calculated on demand. In detail, flows start emitting values when the first terminal operation is reached, i.e., the collect function is called. However, we often have to deal with hot data sources, where the values are emitted independently from the presence of a collector. For example, think about a Kafka consumer or a WebSocket server.

Does this mean we can’t use flows to manage hot data sources? Well, we can indeed. Certain kinds of flow are actually used to manage hot data sources, such as channelFlow, callbackFlow, StateFlow, and SharedFlow. All those functions and types bridge the domain of cold flows with the data structure that was thought to manage hot data sources in the Kotlin Coroutines library: Channels.

Since the focus of this article is to introduce the main features of flows, we left the description of the hot data sources available in the library for future work.

9. Conclusions

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the end of the article. We hope you enjoyed the journey into the world of flows. We saw how to create flows, how to consume them, and how to work with them, both synchronously and concurrently. The article would only be exhaustive in treating some of the features concerning flows. There are a lot of other transformation functions, terminal operations, etc. We invite you to discover and release the full power of flows. In the following appendix, we’ll also delve into the internals of flows to understand how they work under the hood. We also left out how to manage hot data sources using flows, but we’ll return to the topic in a future post. We hope you found the article helpful and that you learned something new.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know. We’re always happy to hear from you. If this article was in any way too difficult and you need to become good at Kotlin as fast as possible, we think you’ll love the Kotlin Essentials course.

10. Appendix: How Flows Work

We have seen that flows work using two functions in concert: The emit function allows us to produce values, and the collect function allows us to consume them. But how do they work under the hood? If you’re a curious Kotliner, please follow us into the black hole of the Kotlin flow library. You will not regret it.

We’ll try to rebuild the Flow type and the flow builder from scratch to understand how they work. We’ll start using only lambdas and functional interfaces. We want to implement a function that prints the actors playing in the Justice League movie. We can define the following function:

val flow: suspend () -> Unit = {

We made the lambda as a suspending function because we want to have the possibility to use nonblocking functions. Now, we want to extend our flow function to print the emitted values and consume them differently. We’ll consume them using a lambda passed to the flow function. So, The new version of the code is:

val flow: suspend ((Actor) -> Unit) -> Unit = { emit: (Actor) -> Unit ->
flow { println(it) }

We called emit the input lambda to apply to each emitted value of the flow. To clarify, we also specified the emit lambda type. However, the Kotlin compiler can infer the type of the emit lambda, so we can omit it in the next iteration.

We just made a crucial step in the above code. We introduced the emit lambda, which represents the consumer logic of the values created by the flow. So, emitting a new value equals applying consuming logic to it. This concept is at the core of the Flow type. The following steps will only make up the code to avoid passing lambdas around.

So, let’s work on the lambda passed as input to the flow function. We can think of every lambda as implementing an interface with only one method in its contract. In this case, we can call the interface FlowCollector and implement it as follows:

fun interface FlowCollector {
    suspend fun emit(value: Actor)

We made the FlowCollector interface a functional interface (or SAM, Single Abstract Method) to let the compiler adapt the lambda to the interface. We can now rewrite our flow function using the FlowCollector interface:

val flow: suspend (FlowCollector) -> Unit = {
flow { println(it) } // <- Possible because of the SAM interface

Since we don’t like to call the emit function on the it reference, we can change the definition of the flow function again. We aim to create a smoother DSL, letting us call the emit function directly. Then, we must make the FlowCollector instance available as the this reference inside the lambda. Using the FlowCollector interface as the receiver of the lambda does the trick (if you want to deepen your knowledge about Kotlin receivers, please refer to the article Kotlin Context Receivers: A Comprehensive Guide):

val flow: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit = {
flow { println(it) }

We’re almost done. Now, we want to avoid passing a function to use our flow. So, it’s time to lift the flow function to a proper type. As you can imagine, the type is the Flow type. We can define the Flow type as follows:

interface Flow {
    suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector)

If we rename our flow function into builder, we can define the Flow type as follows:

val builder: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit = {

val flow: Flow = object : Flow {
    override suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector) {

flow.collect { println(it) }

Here, we use the fact that calling a function or lambda with a receiver is equal to passing the receiver as the function’s first argument. Last but not least, we miss the original flow builder of the Kotlin Coroutines library. We can define it as follows, moving a bit of code around:

fun flow(builder: suspend FlowCollector.() -> Unit): Flow =
    object : Flow {
        override suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector) {

We want to define flows on every type, not only on the Actor type. So, we need to add a bit of generic magic powder to the code we defined so far:

fun interface FlowCollector<T> {
    suspend fun emit(value: T)

interface Flow<T> {
    suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector<T>)

fun <T> flow(builder: suspend FlowCollector<T>.() -> Unit): Flow<T> =
    object : Flow<T> {
        override suspend fun collect(collector: FlowCollector<T>) {

That’s it. The above implementation is similar to the actual implementation of flows in the Kotlin Coroutines library. This journey let us understand that there is no magic behind flows, only a bit of functional programming and a lot of Kotlin. With a deeper understanding of the Flow type, we can define more complex use cases using flows.

11. Appendix: Gradle Configuration

As promised, here is the complete Gradle configuration we used in this article:

plugins {
    id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm") version "1.9.23"

repositories {

dependencies {

java {
    toolchain {

tasks.named<Test>("test") {

